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Vampire's Key - Chapter Thirteen

Vampire's Key

Chapter Thirteen

Lilly didn’t know exactly what Amy’s unseen server had added to the warm water — and Stefan had remained annoyingly elusive for her to ask the question — but whatever it was, his bath, infused with aromatic petals, herbs and salts, had rejuvenated and healed her body. Her bruises and scars had disappeared. Her pale skin was flushed and vibrant as though it too had been born anew. When she finally emerged, after the best part of the day had passed, Amy had provided her with a new outfit from a selection she had ordered on Lilly’s behalf. It had been a long time since Lilly had been able to choose her own clothes without worrying about Carl’s reaction. And so, she opted for a minidress that buttoned to the neck, with lace edging and long sleeves. Black, over-the-knee socks bared some flesh that was usually hidden and often bruised.

“Go on without me,” Amy said, halting halfway along the alleyway. “I have to attend to this.”

Lilly peered into the gloomy night. There were no street lights to dissipate the shadows. She closed her eyes and pressed her mind to see what her eyes could not. Her mind’s eye swept along the quiet alley, wrapping over stone and metal until it formed the image of a beautiful woman, elegantly dressed in a top hat and a figure-hugging wool coat. She stood alone and stared intently at Amy and Lilly.

Lilly opened her eyes and asked, “Is everything okay?”

“Yes,” Amy replied. “Just, go on. I will be there shortly. You know your way. The Countess is down those steps, just follow the footpath.”

Lilly hesitated. This was all so new, she didn’t want to admit it but she felt safe with Amy by her side.

“Go on,” Amy insisted, heading towards the woman at the end of the road.

Lilly opted to follow Amy’s instruction, crossed the quiet but well-to-do back road and slipped down the stairwell hidden behind the wrought iron railings of a plush Georgian house.

Her heels clipped sharply as she descended, echoing along the draughty passage. The chill had no effect on her and she hurried along, slowing only to take another flight of steps deeper into the Victorian catacombs. She wondered what she might say if Sophie were there. *How would she react? Would she be pleased, or scared?*

Lilly turned into the final passageway. The heavy, silver door blurred her reflection as she approached. It reminded her of the times she’d stared into their bathroom mirror. Covered in steam she’d wipe it clean and gaze at her shattered self. Carl would be downstairs, happily doing his own thing. She would be upstairs, wanting to die. She forced the memories away, banishing them with an affirmation that she was free now and he had no place in her new life. She stopped at the door, knocked twice on the cool, polished surface and waited.

Heavy bolts retracted and the door opened slowly. Thumping beats and a blast of heat drew her inwards. “Yes?” a large, suited man enquired. His broad, muscular body blocked the entrance.

“I’m with Amy,” Lilly said, peering past the bouncer to a seated woman. “She told me to go on ahead.”

The lady looked up from her phone, her narrow face waxen in the light. Misty strands of indigo light floated through a blue energy field that cloaked her physical form. It pulsed and danced like an esoteric robe veiled from the eyes of the uninitiated. “She’s on her way,” Lilly added uncertain if her mind was playing tricks on her.

“And you are?” the man asked.

Lilly frowned, pulling her gaze away from the dreamy vision to look at him. He too had a radiance around his body. Absent of colour, it glowed white like a ghostly apparition. “What is your name?” He had a deep voice, booming, Lilly guessed, when he raised it.

“Lilly Armitage.”

“She was here the other night,” the woman noted.

“Yes, with Sophie,” Lilly replied. “Is she here?”

“Sophie? The sycophantic wannabe?” the woman sneered.

“The punk girl from The Grimoire.”

“Like I said, the sycophantic wannabe.” The woman stared back at her blankly, then returned to her phone. *Rude,* Lilly thought.

“Should I let her in?” The bouncer asked, crossing his thick arms.

“We only have her word for it,” the woman answered without looking up.

“Amy said she would be here shortly. She told me to go on ahead,” Lilly repeated, her hands running over the strap of her handbag. When they didn’t seem convinced, she added, “Amy will be angry if you don’t let me in.”

The lady shook her head. She looked up from her phone again. “Amy doesn’t get angry. Besides, she will understand. We don’t just let anyone in.”

“But I’m a vampire,” Lilly countered, “I’m allowed in.”

The lady at the desk stared incredulously at Lilly. “So am I love,” she said, then nodded to the doorman. “And he is a guardian. And inside are more vampires and many servers. You’re hardly unique.”

“What’s a guardian?”

The woman smiled, baring sharp teeth. “He’s like a bouncer, only stronger.”

“So, what do I have to do to get in, then?” Lilly asked. “How much is it?”

“You have to wait, but I suppose you can wait inside,” the vampire murmured. “Come in. Just,” she smiled a little, “be careful asking the price around here, payment may not be what you expect.”

The guardian stepped aside, allowing Lilly to join them in the foyer. Behind her, the silver door closed with an ominous thud. “Thanks,” Lilly said. It was much warmer inside, almost stifling compared to the cold of the evening. An array of perfumes, after-shaves and less pleasant body odours greeted Lilly as she waited. Some of the smells emanated from the cloakrooms behind the vampire, others penetrated the thick oak door that remained resolutely shut. Lilly wondered if she could get through the door before they could stop her. Was she fast and strong enough to outwit the muscular guardian? Or, judging by his ghostly, white aura, did he have other powers that would easily stop her? Besides, she had no idea of her own powers yet. That’s if she even had any. She had seen the woman with Amy though — was that real? This was all so new to her. She opted to wait.

The guardian returned to his seat beside the oak door. It looked too small and far too fragile to take his weight. Lilly sighed and clutched her handbag in both hands. She could hear the sounds of the club beyond: couples talking, drinking, a man pleading — no, begging — for... release. His desperation was drowned out by female laughter, followed by a resounding, “No.”

Further away, glasses clinked and liquid was poured. And beyond that still, came the boom of the bass accompanied by synths and guitars and an octave-defying female vocalist. Dancers were moving to the music. Lilly could hear their footfalls: high heels and bare feet stomping and tapping to the beats. It had been a long time since she’d been dancing. Carl had put a stop to that when he’d accused her of dancing promiscuously with her ‘troublemaker’ friends.

Lilly tried to project her mind as she had done outside, but it remained stuck with her in the foyer. She concentrated harder, forcing her mind’s eye to picture the club beyond. No image repaid her command and she was forced to accept defeat. Her trance was broken by the approach of someone on the other side of the door; a door that allowed sound to pass, but not minds.

The heavy-set guardian got up, pulled back the bolts and dragged the door open. The smiling face of Sophie appeared. “Hi David,” she said, then grinned as she saw Lilly. “You made it! I’m so glad you’re alright.”

“I’m fine,” Lilly replied. “I’m glad to see you.”

“You like my outfit?” Sophie asked, doing a model’s pose in her mini skirt and fishnets.

“Yes, you look good,” Lilly replied, reading the words ‘Young Queen’ emblazoned in silver across her crop top.

“You do too,” Sophie praised, eying Lilly’s outfit. “What a hottie!” She grinned and turned to David. “David, Katie sent me to get Lilly.”

“Fair enough,” David said, stepping aside to allow Lilly to enter the club. “Enjoy.”

“Thanks David,” Sophie smiled, taking Lilly’s hand and leading Lilly into an arched tunnel. Red night lights garnished the ceiling and walls, diffusing their bloody colour over the thick carpet.

“So what does it feel like?” Sophie asked, as they reached the end of the corridor.

The sight of the naked doorman stalled Lilly’s thoughts. Her eyes widened as they ran over his fit body. Taller than David and equally as wide, the doorman’s body glistened under the heat of the club. His relaxed biceps, vigorous with latent strength, framed the firm cushion of his pecs. A line ran down the centre of his collarbone, capping the solid muscle of his stomach.

“My god,” Lilly gasped, squeezing Sophie’s hand. His large penis hung limply beneath a dark patch of well-manicured hair. “He’s naked.”

The man grinned and Lilly looked away. “He’s naked,” she whispered into Sophie’s ear. “They all are—” Her voice trailed off as she scanned the club.

The women — vampires she reckoned — were dressed in different outfits: some in long gowns, others in jeans and t-shirts, while others wore transparent jumpsuits that exposed more flesh than they covered, or stylishly low cut, mini dresses of lace, leather or latex. But the men... the men were all naked, as far as she could tell.

The naked doorman behind her took a sip of his drink, replacing his glass on the table beside him. To Lilly’s left, a couple sat quietly chatting. An assortment of finished glasses and empty bottles furnished their table. Occasionally, the lady would reach down between the man’s legs. She giggled, watching his reaction as her hand remained there. The lady looked up at Lilly, who shied away before glancing back to see the lady toying with a key that hung from her neck.

“Let’s get a drink,” Sophie said, pulling Lilly through the club.

“My god, I can’t,” Lilly protested, feeling the urge to leave.

“What’s wrong?” Sophie asked. She turned to face Lilly, taking Lilly’s other hand in hers. “It’s a good place,” she soothed. “The men are respectful.”

“But they’re all naked,” Lilly whispered, not knowing where to look.

Behind Sophie, a couple stood at a table sipping drinks and chatting. The man was slim, but athletic. He turned a little towards Lilly, offering her a full view of his groin. “There’s something on his willy,” she said, staring at a clear plastic sheath that covered his shaft. The head of his cock pressed against the helmet shaped tip of the cage. Lilly giggled. “It’s got a padlock.”

“I know. Isn’t it great?” Sophie enthused, glancing behind her. She grinned and turned back to Lilly.

“Is this a sex club?” Lilly asked, aware that the man was still watching her.

“God no!” Sophie exclaimed. “Isn’t it hot, though?”

“What’s he wearing?” Lilly asked.

“It’s called a chastity device,” Sophie advised. “A cock cage.”

“What? Why? Where the hell has Amy brought me?”

“It’s okay,” Sophie comforted, releasing one of Lilly’s hands and pulling her past the chaste man.

“Good evening,” he said.

“Evening,” Lilly replied, glancing at him as she hurried past the couple. She hadn’t noticed the line of dark booths that curtained the back wall, melding into the background. As Sophie pulled her along, Lilly stared into the black recesses. Figures lurked in the shadows, where the rich, warm smell of blood evoked in Lilly a desire to partake in the sacred communion. She peered into the next booth; a naked man knelt before a beautiful white-haired vampire. The woman whispered an instruction and the man nodded, lifted her white layered dress and disappeared beneath the long material. The vampire’s hands dropped to her lap, holding his head in place between her legs. She caught Lilly’s eye, blew her a kiss and grinned. Lilly bit her bottom lip, glancing back to see the woman writhing against the man’s hidden touch.

She turned away just in time to avoid bumping into a naked waiter, his bow tie the only item of clothing to adorn his strong body. She cupped a hand over her mouth at the sight of his sheathed penis. A padlock, locked in place atop the metal device, clicked rapidly, announcing his imminent arrival to a group of thirsty clubbers in one of the hidden recesses.

“Oh my God,” Lilly gasped. “This place—” She paused, gasping at the wave of ecstatic energy that washed over her, leaving her body aching for fulfilment. She looked around again. Physically, the men were perfect in so many ways: strong, broad shoulders, pert backsides and muscular thighs that framed genitals locked away behind strange contraptions. Yet they all seemed so content, so happy with their condition.

“I did say it was a bit different, though, didn’t I?” Sophie declared. “Anyway, they are handsome, aren’t they?”

“But why no clothes? And why those things on their willies?” Lilly asked.

“There’s different levels to the club. You’re in the VIP section,” Sophie replied, as they passed a group of lads seated at a table. No one was with them, and despite being naked, their cocks hung loosely. Lilly wanted to join them. They were all fit. Two of them were blonde, the other had auburn hair. Their eyes lit up at Lilly’s interest. Sophie shook her head. “Sorry boys, not today,” she said, kissing Lilly on the lips and grinning.

Lilly tensed at Sophie’s intimate touch.

“Just go with it,” Sophie whispered. “They’ll soon get hard.”

“But I’m not into girls,” Lilly said, shaking her head.

“Let’s get that drink,” Sophie replied. “Then we’ll find Katie. She can answer all your questions.” Tucking her arm into Lilly’s, Sophie led her up to the bar at the far end of the club. The music grew louder, subdued only by thick walls.

Lilly stared into the booths, spying two vampires feeding upon one another. Wrists to mouths, their free hands wrapped around one another’s waists. “Oh my God,” Lilly gasped, watching a circle of energy run between the two women.

In the next cubicle, a solitary woman sat alone. She necked her drink and stared with narrow eyes back at Lilly.

A man in the following booth reclined with a confused look on his face. His eyes darted from left to right as an amorphous black cloud expanded and rolled over him until the form of a tall, black vampire, manifested on his lap. Her powerful legs apart, she straddled the man, while her long incisors cut repeatedly into his neck, creating multiple pairs of puncture wounds. Her tongue flicked over the seeping blood, savouring the delicacy like a connoisseur enjoying a fine wine. Lilly felt her desire for blood increase again and she pulled away from Sophie.

“Lilly,” Sophie called, trying hard to hold on. “Lilly!”

“I want—” Lilly breathed, lost to the blood. She turned on Sophie, flashing her long teeth and shoving Sophie against the bar.

“Good evening ladies,” an Australian barman said, appearing in front of them. Frown lines creased the smooth forehead of his round face. He pointed and said, “Sophie, that’s right isn’t it?”

Lilly felt her desire subdue at the presence of the barman. He was another attractive guy, naked too, though she couldn’t see below his waist.

Feeling Lilly’s grip relax, Sophie turned and grinned at the handsome man, relieved that Lilly’s sudden ferocity had abated. “You remember!” she said.

“I do my best.”

“Lilly, this is Travis,” Sophie gushed, clearly enamoured with the handsome Australian.

Lilly stared at the barman. Her eyes drilled through his physical form to the subtle body beyond. Energetic veins throbbed as his vitality swept up through his body, animating and converging in different centres.

Sophie’s words became dull and lifeless. “What do you want to drink?”

“White wine,” Lilly heard herself reply as she followed a current of energy rise up Travis’ firm chest, move inwards to his neck and up into his skull.

“I’ll have a Bacardi and coke please,” Sophie said.

“Coming right up,” Travis replied, breaking the spell by heading off to grab some glasses.

Sophie nudged Lilly and leaned forward to get a better look at the hot barman. “Oh God!” she whispered, eyeing his firm ass that crowned strong, athletic thighs.

Travis turned and caught them both watching. “Like what you see?” he grinned, wiggling his groin. The padlock atop his cock cage clattered as if asking to be unlocked.

Sophie put her hand to her mouth and looked back at Lilly again, her eyes conveying her enjoyment and amusement at Travis’ predicament.

“Why are you wearing that?” Lilly asked, as he placed their drinks on the bar.

“I think you saw why,” Travis acknowledged. “It’s all about the energy.”

“Well, not quite aal — is it Travis?” a tall, blonde vampire said, appearing beside Lilly. A milky-white glaze coated her eyes, obliterating pupil and iris. She brushed her hair across her forehead with a solitary finger, its overextended nail varnished in azure blue. “Yor new ‘ere,” the vampire observed, moving to the bar to Lilly’s right.

“I am,” Lilly replied with interest. “You’re accent — Newcastle?”

The vampire shrugged. “Aye.”

Lilly smiled.

“Nee need to be so smug,” the vampire snapped. She looked at Sophie. “She’s yu pet?”

“Pet?” Lilly repeated.

“Never mind,” the vampire replied. “Yu best duds?” she asked, raising her neatly plucked eyebrows at Lilly’s black dress.

“Duds?” Lilly queried

The blonde sighed and shook her head. “Outfit.”

Lilly shot her a mock smile. “Yours?” she countered. The vampire wore a bright red, pleated mini skirt, with over-the-knee black socks that displayed just enough thigh to tantalise the frustrated boys. A slender, tight fitting top covered her arms while exposing her neckline, where a tiny key hung from a silver necklace.

The vampire leaned closer and whispered into Lilly’s ear. “Who are yu?”

Lilly studied her for a moment. Her unblemished face was warm and pink. Her bob haircut was immaculate but for a strand of hair that strayed from the others. “Lilly,” she replied, sipping her wine.

“Evening,” Travis said, as a new group arrived at the bar. His cock cage swung hypnotically between his legs as he walked. Lilly wondered if it hurt.

“Lilly,” the vampire repeated. “What kinda name’s that?”

“She’s with me, Chloe,” Sophie said, leaning back from the bar to look at the vampire.

“With yu?” Chloe asked. Her blank gaze locked on Sophie. “Yu pet’s are gettin’ more impudent each year. I didn’t ask what pet she was with, I asked who she is.”

“Yes, I know. I was just being polite.”

Chloe looked back at Lilly, who stared at Travis’ back and rear.

“’e does have a lush arse doesn’t he,” Chloe observed. “’e’s mine, yu know.” She flicked a silver key that hung from her necklace.

“Yours?” Lilly queried.

“’e asked me to be his keyholder.” She smiled, squeezed her eyes tightly shut, then reopened them. Deep blue eyes replaced the dead, lifeless glaze, adding a normality to her strange otherworldliness. “So, why are yu ‘ere, newborn?” she asked, still toying with the key. “No wait… Katie, yu looking for Katie.”

Lilly frowned. “How did you know?”

Chloe shrugged.

“Do you know where she is?” Lilly asked, turning around to lean against the bar.

“Katie?” Chloe said. “A wuddent bother, like.”

“Do you know where she is?” Lilly repeated.

Chloe stared at her with interest. “Why do yu want a?”

“I came here with Amy, but she disappeared,” Lilly answered. “I think she had to see someone.”

“Aye, that’ll be Sarah, I reckon,” Chloe replied.

“Sarah?” Lilly repeated.

“Yu wasting yu time. Katie’s not ‘ere, yu’d best be off.”

“She is,” Sophie said. “She’s in the back bar. I’ve already seen her. She asked me to get Lilly.”

Chloe’s face stiffened. “Shame. That Russian bitch gets all awa.”

“No matter, there’s Aadhira,” Sophie said, spotting the arrival of the beautiful Kashmiri vampire.

Lilly followed Sophie’s gaze, watching the slender, Asian beauty sweep through the club. Aadhira paused to talk to the vampire in the dark booth where the man was still lost beneath her skirt. The heat of the vampire’s aura, soared higher and higher under the machinations of her unseen love. Seemingly untroubled, Aadhira swept through to the dance floor in the rear of the club.

“It don’t look like she’ll be of any help to yu, does it?” Chloe observed.

“It’s okay,” Sophie said, pulling Lilly away. Before they’d taken a few steps, Chloe reappeared in front of them.

“It’s really not okay, pet,” she advised. “This isn’t a place for humans, male or female, unless they’re servin’ wuh. Have yu noticed the men ‘ere?” She looked around. “They are ‘ere to serve wuh. For wor pleasure, like. Not for yee, not humans, not human lasses, but wuh; vampires. Yee, pet, should be buff, like the lads.”

“She’s with me and I’m a vampire,” Lilly replied. Her hand tightened in Sophie’s, causing Sophie to wince and grit her teeth.

“Being a newborn doesn’t make yu one of us, darlin’,” Chloe snapped. “The Stakes will kill yu as easily as a snake catches a mouse, mind. And yu dreams of immortality will be snuffed out as quick as that. In fact, I predict yu won’t last.” She stroked Lilly’s pale cheek. “Unless I take yu, train yu, larn yu. That way yu may survive a little longer. Or,” she smiled to herself, “have yu as a pet. I need a new pet. I could have yu both.” She reached out and cupped Lilly’s jaw. “Would yu be a good lass, or do yu need a lot of training, like?” She glanced down at Lilly’s backside. “Does that ass need a lot of spanking?”

“No thanks,” Lilly said. “One narcissist is enough for a lifetime.”

“Haddaway, yu think I’m a narcissist?”

“Aren’t you?”

“Yee would be staked so easily, yu arrogant little bitch,” Chloe hissed.

“My ex is a Stake,” Lilly said, instantly regretting her words.

The milky white glaze returned to Chloe’s eyes, stealing her humanity as her stature increased, rising to tower above them. Venom laced her embittered question. “Amy let the partner of a Stake naa the location of The Countess?”

“Now that she has been bitten she is entitled to know where it is,” Sophie stated, somewhat nervously. “Anyway, I brought Lilly here the first time—” her words trailed off as Chloe’s grim expression turned thunderous.

“Yu stupid hinny. Yu brought the partner of a Stake to The Countess? A Stake?” She grabbed Sophie’s throat, snapping the young woman towards her, into her body. Her fangs grated against Sophie’s neck.

“Please,” Sophie gasped. “Don’t.” She gasped, desperately tugging on Chloe’s wrist.

“But yu want it, don’t you human? I sense yu desperation. And yet, the newborn here is the partner of a Stake and she was turned before yu. I wonder, why is she so special and yor left out in the cold? Yu put on a brave face, but secretly yu wanna naa: why can’t I be turned? ‘n’ that’s the problem, isn’t it, Sophie? Yu can’t. Yu can’t be turned. And yu know exactly why.” Chloe slipped behind Sophie. Her hand slithered down the young punk’s body, twisting over her hips and clasping her rear. “Yee’ll never have a Clan Mother, and yu naa it. Perhaps yu can be my pet.”

“I already am a—” Sophie started to say.

“Yu already are, like?” Chloe whispered into Sophie’s ear. “Who then?” Chloe looked around, holding Sophie tight against her. “Mmm,” she breathed and closed her eyes. She took a long deep breath, raised her eyebrows and opened her eyes again. “Amy.”

“I—” Sophie began.

“Let her go,” Lilly demanded, stepping closer.

“Why?” Chloe asked, her dead gaze falling on Lilly. “I’m clamming ‘n’ she’s bait. Mind, if she’s Amy’s pet, then why’s she not with her Mistress?”

“I said let her go,” she said weakly. The sounds of the club faded. Lilly tensed, eying Chloe nervously. “She’s mine.”

Chloe took a deep breath and shook her head. “Yu’ll have to do betta than that newborn. I can see much further than yu naa.”

“Well, she might be,” Lilly sulked, feeling the inadequacy of her words.

Chloe shoved Sophie away like discarded rubbish. Sophie stumbled forwards. Grimacing, she shook her body as though freeing herself from an unclean spirit.

“Go find the Russian bitch then,” Chloe scoffed, deliberately bumping into Lilly as she walked past. “But a Stake’s bitch makes yu nothin’ more than prey to me. Yee ‘n’ yu human slut.”

“I’m no...” Sophie’s words trailed off. Chloe had gone and she was left pouting like a child too slow to respond with a sarcastic remark. “...slut. Let’s find Katie.”

Vampire’s Key

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