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The Books

Vampire's Key introduced the Sisters of Annis to the world. Katie's Server provided a more personal experience, while Vampire's Fire returned readers to the bigger, full-length Femdom Vampire stories.

There are many new projects lined up, including the revision of Lockdown Vampires, a first person account of a young man who becomes the server of a Sister of Annis. 

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Vampire's Key

The start

Vampire's Key was released in November 2019. It took about three years to complete, starting in 2016 when this world existed in a much different form.


There were no overt erotic elements included at that time, thus, there were no naked male servers to be seen. As the story developed, ideas emerged into something far more potent than had at first been anticipated, thus, the story as it is now seen, was gradually realised. 


At one point during the beta reader stage, it was suggested that the book, if rewritten would work in the young adult genre. This was a diversion that took the author away from the concepts and would have potentially delayed release for another year or two.


After investigating this idea, the author opted to continue in the new, dark erotic direction that the book was taking.


Reflecting on the final product, he is glad that he stuck to the concepts that you will see in Vampire's Key. He hopes that you are too!

Katie's Server

When Kurt met Katie

Katie​'s Server was partly written to fill the extended gap between Vampire's Key and it's sequel, Vampire's Fire. That's not to say that it is a throw away book, because although it is a novella, the goal was to expand on the Sisters of Annis world.


Initially, it was intended to be a short novella, written and released within a short space of time. That didn't happen because the author did not want to publish anything that was rushed or not up to par.


It was another learning curve. Initial beta reader feedback exposed the gaps in the story and the lack of depth to the characters.


Kurt was quite empty and superficial: going with the flow, not questioning anything, and with no real perspective or reactions from him. Considering what he goes through, that was not going to make a very relatable or interesting story.


The revised version of Katie's Server is vastly different from the initial drafts (as many books are), About five chapters were removed, including a number of additional characters that had been brought in from Vampire's Key. The story zoomed in on Kurt and his fiancée.


Katie's Server was published in May 2023, and was the first stand-alone novella in the Sisters of Annis series.


Saying that, there is room for a direct sequel...​

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Vampire's Fire

The Burnout Book

Vampire's Fire was a long haul of a book. Scenes were constantly written and rewritten. One erotic chapter felt too distant and had the reader standing way too far away from the heated action. The revised version ensured the reader was able to experience the action in a far more inclusive way.


This is a goal for PG Devlim: to ensure that the reader is affected by the descriptions and this applies to dark as much as hot scenes. Of course, it is not always possible for a scene to be that descriptive, action needs to happen and you can't stop to smell the flowers in the middle of a fight (well, you can).


This all sounds positive, but this book was the one that exhausted the author. He faced and went through writer's burnout which he took some time to return from.


Vampire's Fire is longer than the first novel, and continues the story of the central characters, Lilly, Lady Mortimer and Adrian, first met in Vampire's Key.


There were many chapters that, despite the hard work, were really enjoyable to write. Research is paramount to the author and he often dives deeply into areas that he is not familiar with so that he can hopefully show them the appropriate level of respect. 

In many ways and despite the burnout and exhaustion, this book was a very big success, but it ​is only part of the journey for there will be a sequel...


Vampire's Forever

The next chapter(s)

More books are coming....


Vampire's Blood

This is the third book in the series and will follow directly on from the climactic events in Vampire's Fire. It is partially written, but is on temporary hold due to:


Lockdown Vampires

This is the author's first person blog set in the SoA world. A draft of season one draft has been completed. Season two draft is being written while season three, four and five are plotted, with a very general concept. The current focus is to complete these seasons back-to-back before returning to edit season one. 


In between Lockdown Vampires, the author is working on: 


The Countess

This is a new novella that focuses upon the hottest vampire club in the world (probably). It follows four individuals (two women and two men) who enter The Countess for different reasons. As expected there will be plenty of hot male servers as well as a variety of powerful female vampires.



There are two other novellas partially written and plotted, but the author does not yet have the time to work properly on these, though they will be brought to life as soon as possible.



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