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Vampire's Key - Chapter Fourteen

Vampire's Key

Chapter Fourteen

Ignoring the sea water that seeped over the cobbled stones, Adrian charged across the causeway towards the island. A cold wind swept in from the west, cutting into his body with little effect. On any other day he’d have felt the Atlantic chill and enjoyed the fresh, salty air of the open ocean, but today he had more important things on his mind.

The lower fortifications were clearer now. The thick sea wall, crusted by a sickly yellow lichen, evoked in Adrian an angry revulsion. He’d been set up and someone was going to pay. High above him, leafless trees looked forlorn beneath the battlements of the ancient castle, where steep walls of thick, crenelated stone protected the inner buildings of the island complex. Adrian shook his head. His face was tense and he clenched and unclenched his fists as he approached a shivering sentry, who hopped from foot to foot in an attempt to keep warm.*Amateur,* Adrian thought, *the man should be still and observant. If he’s cold he should have worn better gear.*The sea water was higher now, sweeping over his ankles as it separated the island from the mainland once more.

“Evening, sir,” the sentry said. “Cold isn’t it?”

“You make yourself a target, hopping around like that,” Adrian cautioned, pausing for his retinal scan. “Anyone else back?”

“I dunno, I’ve only just come on duty, sir,” the sentry replied, ringing through to the gatehouse. He placed a hand over the mouthpiece and added, “Just a moment, sir.”

A loud beep indicated Adrian’s entry and he waited for the heavy gate to open, creaking as it swung back, before he slipped through the gap under the envious gaze of the sentry. “Is Lord Alexander here?” he asked, glancing back at the young man.

“He is busy,” a well-spoken voice said from the other side of the gate.

Adrian whirled around to see five members of the Special Investigation Bureau waiting for him. “What’s with the welcome?” he asked.

“Lieutenant Frazer,” the captain began, “It is my duty to inform you that you are under arrest.”

“On what charge?”

“Dereliction of duty; fleeing the scene of a battle, and, by virtue of this fact, causing the death of your fellow troopers. You will accompany us to the detention block forthwith, where you will be detained until you are brought before a Judge Advocate.”

“Are you serious?” Adrian’s face tightened, his hands clenched until his knuckles turned white. The four officers snapped efficiently into position around him. “You do know where I’ve been? You know I’ve just got back from a mission, which I barely survived. I want to see Lord Alexander and Lady Mortimer before I go anywhere.”

“That will not be possible at this time,” the SIB captain replied. ”But you will have plenty of opportunity to state your case when you meet your appointed representative.” The officer lowered his voice, leaned into Adrian and said, “Don’t make this any harder on yourself. I’ve seen your file. You’ve already had this kind of trouble in the States.”

“What the hell!” Adrian snapped, attempting to barge past the guards. The nearest man grabbed Adrian’s arm firmly. Adrian jolted his arm upwards, forcing it out of the man’s grip. Behind him, another guard struck a baton on Adrian’s back. Adrian kicked forward, booting the first guard in the groin. The man doubled over. A sharp blow struck Adrian’s injured shoulder and he cried out, spun around and charged into the attacking guard. The other men launched into Adrian who collapsed to the ground beneath the weight of the combined assault. Batons and boots pummelled into him as the guards surrounded the wounded American.

“Okay, enough, enough,” the officer in charge said. Reluctantly his men holstered their batons.

Curled into a ball, blood seeped from Adrian’s shoulders, soaking into his wet jacket.

“Get him up,” the captain instructed. “Take him to the cells. Stupid yank.”


High above the detention cells, Lady Mortimer perched on a chair in front of Lord Alexander’s desk. She sat with her back straight beside a roaring fire that cracked and spat hot embers as it fed on thick yew logs.

“And there he goes,” Lord Alexander remarked, staring out of the iron-laced window.

He’d been standing there for five minutes now, commenting on the arrest of the American as it happened. *He should,*Lady Mortimer thought, *be focused on the events at hand. The Matriarch had returned and that was an omen that they did not need.*“Still, he did resist,” Lord Alexander said. “Not very well though.”

Uninterested in the boys’ game that played out far below, replete with Lord Alexander’s commentary, Lady Mortimer plucked a piece of fluff from her tweed jacket and flicked it away, before brushing down her long skirt.

Lord Alexander inhaled sharply through his nostrils and chuckled to himself. A sharp knock at the door forced him to turn around. “Enter,” he bellowed in his deep baritone voice.

Lady Mortimer turned to see Captain Grant enter the room. Closing the door behind him, the officer snapped smartly to attention, saluted Lord Alexander and began his report. “It is done sir,” he reported. “He is in the cells as we speak.”

“Yes. I saw. He didn’t resist very much did he?”

“A little, sir. One of our lads has some aching balls, but nothing more.”

“Aching balls. Never a good thing. Very well. Thank you captain. You may leave us.”

The officer saluted and left.

“You will be his representative,” Lord Alexander advised Lady Mortimer.

She looked across the desk at the broad figure of the lord. His large frame blocked half the pre-dawn twilight from the window behind him. “Me?” she replied. “But I am not qualified.”

“Izzy, you do not need a qualification. You need to find out exactly what happened in America. We know that Lieutenant Frazer is not telling the truth about New Mexico. Use the Annis caves as leverage. Smithy’s already confirmed Frazer went AWOL during the operation.”

“I thought he was being charged over his conduct at the Annis caves?” Lady Mortimer replied.

“Yes, of course he is,” Lord Alexander scoffed. “We cannot have Stakes running off like that now, can we? His actions in the cave are indicative of what may have occurred in New Mexico. The Americans want answers. That is why he has been sent here. He had his second chance and he blew it.”

“And you think I am the best person to represent him? Surely the Special Investigation Bureau have someone far more qualified to ask the right kind of questions,” Lady Mortimer suggested.

“You are a beautiful woman who the majority of men want to fuck,” Lord Alexander replied bluntly.

Lady Mortimer gawked at him in horror. “I, er, I… I’d rather you didn’t talk to me like that.”

Lord Alexander waved his hand dismissively and continued. “Besides, I have given you a job to do. We cannot have Stakes aiding the enemy. There are enough long teeth running around as it is. And they’re turning more every day. He’s a typical young man, use your natural charm to find out what really happened.”

“And you are certain that Lieutenant Smith’s account is accurate?” Lady Mortimer asked, deciding to rise above her superior’s chauvinism.

“Smithy has served the Brothers with distinction, as his father did before him, for over thirty years. That is good enough for me.” Lady Mortimer looked unconvinced and Lord Alexander continued, “From what Lieutenant Smith has said, Lieutenant Frazer fled before the enemy. This directly contributed to the loss of the other members of his troop. It is a good thing that Lieutenant Smith was able to escape with at least one of his team.”

Lady Mortimer took a long, deep breath and rubbed her right arm in an attempt to alleviate the heat from the fire. “Don’t you think it is a little early to be bringing charges on Lieutenant Frazer? Considering he has only just returned. I am surprised he is even alive, based on Lieutenant Smith’s report.”

“Things are as they are, Izzy. If we are correct, we have a nasty piece of work sitting in the cells. That, plus the events surrounding his troop in America—” Lord Alexander’s words trailed off. “It is up to you Izzy. Find out what you can from this bloody traitor. I do not care how you do it. Do whatever you need to, flash some thigh if that is what it takes. But we need to know. He is either an idiot and a danger, or a traitor — and in our game I am not certain which is worse.”

Lady Mortimer shook her head. “And I am not certain he will even talk—”

“Izzy, for God’s sake, just do as you are told.”

“But I do not know anything about defence law.”

“That is irrelevant. I am telling you to do this. You are the most qualified person for the job.”

“But that’s the point,” Lady Mortimer countered, folding her arms over her stomach. “I am not qualified.”

“Izzy, you and I both know you have exactly the right assets, if you just care to use them.”

“Lord Alexander,” Lady Mortimer said stiffly. “I would prefer you not to talk to me like that!” She shifted in her seat, uncomfortable from the heat of the fire and the arrogance of her superior.

Lord Alexander banged his hand on his desk, jolting his personalised stationery as though it were jumping to attention. “Oh for god’s sake woman, just do the damned job!” he bellowed. “I do not have to endure this type of insubordination from the men. Who the bloody hell do you think you are?”

Lady Mortimer took a long deep breath and shook her head. “Very well,” she conceded, clasping her hands together. She pursed her lips tightly, staring at the immovable lord. “I shall see what he says.”

“That’s my girl. Now, go on, you have plenty to get on with and I have to make some calls.”

“Okay, I shall let you know,” Lady Mortimer advised, getting up and heading outside. Closing the door behind her, she leaned against it. It was much cooler in the draughty corridor, which was a welcome change to the overbearing heat of Lord Alexander’s office. As soon as winter arrived, he insisted on a constant raging fire. She took a deep breath, enjoying the chill of the salty air.

“Sarah?” Lord Alexander said from inside his office.

Lady Mortimer frowned. *Sarah? Wasn’t that the name of one of the Sisters?*She pressed her ear against the door.

“Yes, I know,” he continued. “Can you bring Amy?” he paused, evidently listening to the response from the other end of the telephone.“I know. But we need her.” He paused again. “And another. Understand? I require two. She has a newborn, can you get her? I need her for something special. Just, make sure you get them both. That bitch is going to get what’s been coming to her for centuries. Good. And tell Sunita we are close. Nell has the Stakes and I have the American. You can tell the spirit traveller. Sunita still has her? Good. Good. Okay, send me a text. Yes, the usual number.”

Lady Mortimer listened for a few minutes longer. Only the snap of burning wood passed through the door and before long she snuck away, her mind reeling from the overheard conversation. *What on earth was Lord Alexander up to, talking to Sarah from the Sisters of Annis? Was it a trap, or was he the traitor?*

Vampire’s Key

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