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Day Two

Lockdown Vampires

Day Two

People become numb to numbers. Numbers that mutate into stale statistics. Statistics that trap us in the misguided belief that we have some control over the world. Apply a number to an event, discuss that number and how it affects you. It's much easier than staring at a dead body. They don't show us dead bodies on TV, they show us numbers. Numbers keep us safe; seperate us from the reality of what is really going on.

320 men died yesterday. They're now statistics. The government don't know how many women have turned. Estimates are already over 1,000. I guess I'm lucky living alone. I won't wake up in the middle of the night, with my wife's fangs on my throat, her cold hand crushing my balls. Taking the last drop of me ...

Maybe the married ones are the lucky ones; they'll probably be dead by dawn. Us singletons will be hiding, harried and hunted. I could pretend I'll be out hunting them, but I know my limitations. I'm no ninja, no ex-special forces soldier, no elite assassin. Just an ordinary guy, though I know a thing or two about the Sister's. Maybe that'll mean something in the coming days.

A ward of nurses turned yesterday. They fed on their male colleagues: junior doctors, registrars, specialists. Even killed the male porters. Didn't touch the patients though. It had to be a haematology ward. Most likely via an infected patient, unless. ... of course! I bet it was a Sister! I wouldn't put it past them. They've got an agenda. A long term goal, one that stretches way beyond this world.

Infiltrate a ward, (hospital's the place for blood isn't it? Though the Sister's like it fresh, full of energy, not sterile and in a bottle) ... where was I? Yeah ... a Sister infiltrate's a ward at night, gets the nurse to close the curtain, bites her, turns her. It's as easy as that. They usually incubate though ...

The nurses disappeared. Probably joined a Hide. The media haven't said anything about Hide's. I doubt they even know they exist. Let me tell you this right now, before you get lured by one of these seductive bitches from hell. Ladies, you'll probably be okay, btw, a lot of you will be turned, some of you might end up as pets, and you might like that too (I'll explain pets another time). But guy's, if the hottest woman, sensual, and as sophisticated as a member of the Royal Family, who's ticking all the clicking boxes, who make's your heart quake and your dick ache, asks you to accompany her to a club, walk the fuck away. Like, seriously. Get the fuck out of there, coz she's gonna eat your fucking soul.

That happens all the time at their clubs. The Countess is notorious for it. It's the worst, or best, depending on your viewpoint of course, and it all depends on your point of view. Most women would love it. Hot guys, naked with a ... well, you don't wanna know and you don't wanna go there, guys.

Shit. I'm not saying any more. I'm getting paranoid about even sharing this stuff. Some of them are probably reading this. They've got to be. You thought about that? You're sitting on your phone, tablet, computer, whatever it is, reading this, trying to know what to do. How to survive, and one of them is reading it at the exact same time? Her cold, dead eyes scanning these words. Those pale fingers reaching for that key that hangs around her neck. Their sign of power. The key to the demise of men. Unless we stop them. Fuck, we gotta stop them.

I've got to go out tomorrow. I don't know how it will go. Everyone's panicking here. Maybe other countries are alright. Maybe they killed them before the Sister's got out of control. Our government didn't. Don't matter what political party you support. The Sister's of Annis are beyond all that. Way beyond. They don't give a shit if you're right, left, middle, extreme, libertarian or any other political persuasion. They just want your blood, your energy, your power.

I'll tell you more tomorrow. Tell you what it looks like out there. Tell you if those nurses turned up. Lock your doors. Find iron, they don't like that. It's got properties that burn them. Do your research. Stay safe. Stay indoors. Good luck. Protect Humanity.

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