When it is quiet
And the humans are asleep
I feel it is safe to go out.
When the parties have stopped
And the humans are home
I feel that I must head out.
When the rain strikes the earth
And the dark clouds reign
I venture out for a walk.
When the seas are stormy
And the humans huddle inside
The world becomes my oyster.
When the summer is long
And the humans are noisy
I long for the Autumn and Winter.
These are my times
Times when I feel safe
Because the humans are quiet.
I don't know if many can relate to this. There is a special place in my heart for autumn and winter.
Summer and Spring are lovely times of the year, but they are times when the madness of humanity is most prominent. Autumn and Winter, the dead times, sing to my soul. They are times when I feel a little more at ease to be out and about.